Impact Days 2024

5–7 Jun 2024 | Vienna, Austria

Mikael Johnsson

Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer

Mälardalen University

Eskilstuna, Sweden

11 profile visitsSpeakerUrbanTech

Innovation Management & Product Development

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Mälardalen University

Mälardalen University has about 17 000 students within Business, Design, Mathematics, Health and Welfare, Engineering, Education, and Music and Opera; located close to Stockholm, the capital of Sweden

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Speaker sessions (1)

Thursday, 6 June 2024

18:00 - 18:30

Urban Innovation through Collaborative Partnership - Innovate for Europe: Panel discussion and Award Ceremony

Location:Hofburg - Rittersaal

Through a good practice of collaborative partnership, the panel discussion will give insights how the URBAN TECH Programme supported the acceleration of competitive success of European SMEs.