Cristian Erbasu

General Manager

Constructii Erbasu

Bucharest, Romania

10 profile visitsSpeaker

About me

My organisation

Constructii Erbasu

A company with 100% domestic capital, Construcții Erbașu was established 34 years ago as a family business. Since 1991, it has transformed into a joint-stock company and has evolved over time to become one of the most significant and stable companies in the construction industry in Romania. With an impressive history of growth and consistent success from its inception to the present day, Construcții Erbașu stands out as a trusted general contractor in the construction field, completing all projects undertaken.

Construcții Erbașu has the capacity to tackle a diversified range of projects in the construction sector, regardless of their size or complexity, both in the public and private domains. The company has consistently demonstrated the ability to successfully deliver all construction projects it has been involved in, providing quality solutions and meeting committed deadlines.

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Domain of the organization


Speaker sessions (2)

Wednesday, 29 May 2024

10:00 - 10:30


Format:In-personLocation:Constantin Iamandi

10:30 - 11:50


Format:In-personLocation:Constantin Iamandi