12. März 2025 | Bregenz, Österreich


Katja Bühler

Scientific Director

VRVis GmbH

Wien, Österreich

1 Profilbesuch

Katja Bühler is the Scientific Director of the VRVis GmbH Vienna, a not-for-profit research center for Visual Computing in Vienna.

Meine Organisation

VRVis GmbH

VRVis GmbH

Außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtung

Wien, Österreich

VRVis ist Österreichs führende Forschungseinrichtung auf dem Gebiet des Visual Computing mit Standorten in Wien und Graz. Als COMET-Kompetenzzentrum agiert das VRVis mit rund 80 Forschenden an der Schnittstelle von Wissenschaft und Industrie und stärkt dabei durch technologische Innovation und menschzentrierte Lösungen aus den Bereichen Künstliche Intelligenz, Visual Data Analytics, Exteneded Reality (XR) und Simulation Unternehmen verschiedener Branchen.
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Über mich

Dr. Katja Bühler is Scientific Director of the VRVis GmbH Vienna, a not-for-profit research center for Visual Computing founded in 2000 with the goal of implementing technology transfer between scientific and industrial communities. Her academic background is in Mathematics (Dipl.math. KIT, Germany) and Computer Science (Dr. techn., TU Wien, Austria). She joint VRVis in 2002 where she has gained considerable experience over the years in developing applied research strategies and realizing innovative solution in close collaboration with industry and science. Her own research is dedicated to developing highly efficient methods to provide access to the information encoded in imaging and other related big data. She is realizing this vision together with her research group that is unifying expertise in image analysis, reliable artificial intelligence, data mining, visualization and HCI to create novel intelligent and human-centered solutions for various application fields. She was recently invited to join the board of the Association for the Promotion of Digital Humanism in Vienna, which reflects her commitment to human-centered digitization strategies.

Sozialen Medien


  • AI
  • Visual Computing
  • biomedical imaging
  • Image Analytics
  • digital twins
  • data integration
  • visual analytics
  • Visualization
  • Medizin
  • Biologie
  • Landwirtschaft
  • Klimawandel
  • KI
  • Künstliche Intelligenz
  • Climate Change


  • Projektpartnerschaften