INTERALPIN B2B Cooperation Platform 2025

5 May 2025 | Innsbruck, Austria


Klaus Mairinger


Panomax GmbH

Henndorf, Salzburg, Austria

Founder and owner of Panomax We are already represented in 24 countries worldwide and are interested in new projects worldwide.

My organisation

Panomax GmbH

Panomax GmbH


Henndorf, Austria

Panomax is a software and technology company that has developed an outstanding interactive software platform to present guests and users with high-resolution live 360° images over the Internet. Panomax is based on three main advantages: extremely high image quality, the most innovative and interactive software and easy operation for everyone. This software was developed 100% in-house, Panomax itself or through sales partners takes care of the sales, installation, support and maintenance. Panomax sells the software for ski resorts, hotels, cities, airports, ports, cruise ships and large construction sites as long-term construction site documentation.
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