INTERALPIN B2B Cooperation Platform 2025

5 May 2025 | Innsbruck, Austria


MetGIS Weather


www.metgis.comVienna, Austria


Important Links:

Applications for winter tourism and ski regions:

3d snow cover maps and more:

About MetGIS

MetGIS GmbH, an Austrian spin-off of the University of Vienna, is a specialist in ultra-high resolution weather and snow forecasts and historical weather data reconstruction. The company operates its own powerful, automated system for meteorological forecasting and data visualization. In contrast to the usual standard, extra high-resolution terrain data is included in the weather simulation. This leads to a superior quality of computations, which are very useful for all kinds of applications.


Weather APIs are a key product of MetGIS. These allow foreign information and data processing system providers to access the weather not only for individual points, but also as colored map overlays. MetGIS offers a Point API (also for long-term forecasts), a Weather Maps API (including snow cover data), a Hist API (for historical weather and climate data) and a Weather Warnings API. For graphics-based forecasts, MetGIS developed its new MetGIS Pro+ interface, which enables the visualization of worldwide forecasts in the form of interactive small-scale maps. These can be zoomed to less than 100 m worldwide and even include a 3D viewer.


The technology was developed as part of various interdisciplinary, international R&D collaborations. They brought together research institutes, universities and weather services from a number of countries (USA, Switzerland, Japan, Peru, Chile) as well as experts from a variety of fields. Currently, MetGIS continues to place great emphasis on research at an international level, including the coupling of meteorological with hydrological and snow cover models, and is always open to partners for joint developments.


Users of MetGIS technologies are all companies and institutions that need precise weather information to make better decisions and optimize their business models, thus increasing their profits and/or reducing the risk of accidents.

Typical users of MetGIS products are cable car companies and ski resorts, using MetGIS forecast for the efficient planning of resources, with a focus on perfect conditions for the construction of machine snow. MetGIS forecasts are also used for the work of avalanche warning services and in many apps and websites (tourism industry, mountaineering etc.). Historical weather data are used for AI applications, and consulting services of MetGIS are used to estimate the climate of areas where new ski resorts are planned.

More information:

Social media


Snowmaking equipmentWinter weather plant for communal and private useSafety, rescue and protectionTourism in Alpine countries


Gerald Spreitzhofer


MetGIS Weather

Marketplace (3)

  • Product

    MetGIS Pro+ – High Resolution, Interactive Weather Forecast Maps

    MetGIS Pro+ is a brand new, turn-key graphical user interface. Access to interactive 3d-weather forecast maps zoomable to big detail.

    • Buyer
    • Re-Seller
    • Snowmaking equipment
    • Recreational facilities
    • Tourism in Alpine countries
    • Safety, rescue and protection
    • Construction sites in Alpine regions
    • Installations for passenger transport
    • Winter weather plant for communal and private use

    Gerald Spreitzhofer

    CEO at MetGIS Weather

    Vienna, Austria

  • Product

    MetGIS Snow Products – Ultra high resolution snow cover information

    MetGIS provides daily updated maps of the actual snow cover from different satellite sources in ultra high resolution of up to 30m.

    • Buyer
    • Re-Seller
    • Snowmaking equipment
    • Recreational facilities
    • Tourism in Alpine countries
    • Safety, rescue and protection
    • Construction sites in Alpine regions
    • Installations for passenger transport
    • Winter weather plant for communal and private use

    Gerald Spreitzhofer

    CEO at MetGIS Weather

    Vienna, Austria

  • Product

    MetGIS Weather PDFs - Daily Ski Weather Report in Graphical Form

    Receive a PDF with customized weather information for your wished locations. Includes wet bulb temperature for machine snow production.

    • Buyer
    • Re-Seller
    • Snowmaking equipment
    • Recreational facilities
    • Tourism in Alpine countries
    • Safety, rescue and protection
    • Construction sites in Alpine regions
    • Winter weather plant for communal and private use

    Gerald Spreitzhofer

    CEO at MetGIS Weather

    Vienna, Austria