Werner Müller


Council für nachhaltige Logistik (CNL)

Vienna, Austria

8 profile visitsSpeaker

About me

Since 2014 CEO of CNL

My organisation

Council für nachhaltige Logistik (CNL)


The Council for Sustainable Logistics (CNL) was founded 2014 by Max Schachinger (Schachinger - https://www.schachinger.com/)) with the idea, that only collaboration can bring logistics forward to Zero Emission.

CNL is a platform from currently 18 of the biggest logistic companies in Austria - dedicated to promoting environmentally friendly logistics solutions with a focus on zero emission transportation. Our goal is to support companies in implementing sustainable practices and to promote a dialog between different players in the industry. Together, we work on innovative concepts and strategies to make logistics more sustainable and overcome the challenges of climate change. Through networking and knowledge exchange, we create sustainable partnerships for future-proof zero-emission logistics.

Speaker sessions (1)

Thursday, 21 November 2024

10:30 - 10:45