Journée Microbiotes et Santé 2025

23 janv. 2025 | Lyon, France

Fréderic Fasano

Directeur Général Adjoint

MaaT Pharma

Lyon, France

12 visites de profilIntervenantLes intervenants

Développement du 1er médicament issu du Microbiote en hémato-oncologie.

Mon organisation

Maat Pharma

Maat Pharma

PME / Start-ups

Lyon, France

MaaT Pharma (stands for Microbiota as a Therapy) is a clinical stage biotechnology company that has established a complete approach to restoring patient-microbiome symbiosis in oncology. Committed to treating cancer and graft-versus-host disease (GvHD), a serious complication of allogeneic stem cell transplantation, MaaT Pharma has launched, in March 2022 in Europe, a Phase 3 clinical trial for patients with acute GvHD, following the achievement of its proof of concept in a Phase 2 trial. Its powerful discovery and analysis platform, gutPrint®, supports the development and expansion of its pipeline by determining novel disease targets, evaluating drug candidates, and identifying biomarkers for microbiome-related conditions. The company’s Microbiome Ecosystem Therapies are produced through a standardized cGMP manufacturing and quality control process to safely deliver the full diversity of the microbiome, in liquid and oral formulations. MaaT Pharma benefits from the commitment of world-leading scientists and established relationships with regulators to support the integration of the use of microbiome therapies in clinical practice. In November 2021, MaaT Pharma became the first company developing microbiome-based drugs to be listed on the regulated market of Euronext Paris (Ticker: MAAT).
En savoir plus

Sur moi

Frédéric est un manager à l’esprit entrepreneurial, avec une solide expérience dans la direction de sociétés pharmaceutiques et biotechnologiques, dont Servier et Valéo, ainsi que dans le développement de produits. Frédéric a aussi l’expérience de la gestion d'équipes à l'international, avec un accent particulier sur l'innovation et l'expansion commerciale.

Frédéric est Lyonnais et est de retour en France après 20 ans passés en Italie et au Canada. Il est Docteur en Pharmacie, diplômé de l'ESSEC en 1992 et administrateur certifié en 2021. Frédéric est également bilingue Anglais et Italien.

Mon organisation

MaaT Pharma

MaaT Pharma (stands for Microbiota as a Therapy) is a clinical stage biotechnology company that has established a complete approach to restoring patient-microbiome symbiosis in oncology.

Committed to treating cancer and graft-versus-host disease (GvHD), a serious complication of allogeneic stem cell transplantation, MaaT Pharma has launched, in March 2022 in Europe, a Phase 3 clinical trial for patients with acute GvHD, following the achievement of its proof of concept in a Phase 2 trial. Its powerful discovery and analysis platform, gutPrint®, supports the development and expansion of its pipeline by determining novel disease targets, evaluating drug candidates, and identifying biomarkers for microbiome-related conditions.

The company’s Microbiome Ecosystem Therapies are produced through a standardized cGMP manufacturing and quality control process to safely deliver the full diversity of the microbiome, in liquid and oral formulations. MaaT Pharma benefits from the commitment of world-leading scientists and established relationships with regulators to support the integration of the use of microbiome therapies in clinical practice.

In November 2021, MaaT Pharma became the first company developing microbiome-based drugs to be listed on the regulated market of Euronext Paris (Ticker: MAAT).

Sessions d'intervenants 1

jeudi 23 janvier 2025

11:00 - 12:15

Session Illustration

Format :Sur placeTrack :Conférences

2 intervernants : TBD - MaaT Pharma | TBD