BioGaia Pharma AB and BioGaia AB
Grands groupes
Stockholm, Suède7 visites de profil
BioGaia is a Swedish probiotic company that has been at the forefront of microbiome research for more than 30 years. BioGaia develops, markets and sells probiotic products within the areas of gut, oral, immune and bone health. Our probiotic products with bacterial strains from the L. reuteri species are among the most scientifically well-documented probiotics. The class B share of BioGaia is quoted on the Mid Cap list of the Nordic Exchange Stockholm.
Domaine d'activité
Biotech - Pharma
Nigel Titford
CEO, BioGaia Pharma AB & Head of Business Development, BioGaia AB
BioGaia Pharma AB and BioGaia AB