GameStorm - Make your own fun!
Seeking collaborators for VR-based game creation toolkits powered by pioneering virtual production platform.
Moviestorm is a developer/publisher from the UK.
We make affordable and easy to use 3d animation tools. We also provide film previs and bespoke development services based upon our IP.
Founded in 2003 by Cambridge entrepreneurs, in autumn 2005 Moviestorm received investment from a consortium of private and institutional investors in order to build the Moviestorm Filmmaker tool and community. Since release in 2008, Filmmaker has attracted over 500,000 amateur filmmakers, teachers and students, and businesses, looking for a low cost and accessible tool to tell stories, teach and create commercial films.
In 2019, Moviestorm successfully delivered a EU Horizon 2020 Research and Development project called FirstStage aimed at the use of natural user interfaces to intuitively provide creatives with greater control of their previsualisation process. Since then we have been productising that research and have released ‘FirstStage’ to critical acclaim, a real-time collaborative content creation platform for all types of creative productions.
GameStorm - Make your own fun!
Seeking collaborators for VR-based game creation toolkits powered by pioneering virtual production platform.