Match4Health 2024

20–21 Sept 2024 | Larissa, Greece

ServiceUpdated on 12 September 2024

OHDSI health data mapping

Petros Patias


Thessaloniki, Greece


Vast amounts of data are generated within the healthcare industry through various sources such as electronic health records, medical imaging, genomic sequencing, wearable devices, telemedicine, and administrative systems. 

We use the OHDSI framework to standardise healthcare data into the OMOP CDM format, mapping local data to standard terminologies, implementing ETL processes, evaluating data quality, and using collaborative analytics for research and knowledge generation. The OHDSI Framework is a robust platform that supports hospital data transformation and offers a unified approach to managing healthcare information.

Vast amounts of data are generated within the healthcare industry through various sources such as electronic health records, medical imaging, genomic sequencing, wearable devices, telemedicine, and administrative systems. 

We use the OHDSI framework to standardise healthcare data into the OMOP CDM format, mapping local data to standard terminologies, implementing ETL processes, evaluating data quality, and using collaborative analytics for research and knowledge generation. The OHDSI Framework is a robust platform that supports hospital data transformation and offers a unified approach to managing healthcare information.

Indicative steps are:

  1. Data Integration

  2. Data Cleaning

  3. Data Transformation

    • OMOP Common Data Model (CDM) - Data Mapping

    • Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) Processes

    • Data Quality Assessment

  4. Data Analysis

    • Standardised Analytics

    • Collaborative Research

  5. Data Visualisation and Reporting

  6. Data Governance and Security:

    • Data Privacy and Security

    • Data Quality Assessment


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