Match4Health 2024

20–21 Sept 2024 | Larissa, Greece

ServiceUpdated on 3 September 2024


Veronica Filippou

Product Owner at JOIST Innovation Park

Larissa, Greece


EUcalls is an innovative platform that allows users to find funding opportunities, search for new partners, create their own network of collaborators, and generate innovative ideas.

With over 500 funding calls for proposals and more than 11,000 users, the EUcalls platform is a tool designed to facilitate user integration into the world of EU funding. Please find more information here:


  • Health & digital solutions for the third age
  • Health data management
  • Patients with chronic diseases in the digital age
  • Digital medicine
  • Women’s health & FemTech
  • Digital detox & wellness
  • Mental health & digitalization

Applies to

  • ICT
  • Microtechnology
  • Biotech and Lifescience
  • Medtech

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