Match4Health 2024

20–21 Sept 2024 | Larissa, Greece

ProductUpdated on 13 September 2024

ePokratis Welfare

Marios Prasinos, PhD

CTO at Telematic Medical Applications Ltd

Piraeus, Greece


TMA’s e-Poκratis, is a Personal Health Record - PHR with telemedical capabilities. The intention of TMA e-Poκratis is to provide a complete and accurate summary of an individual's medical history (data, lab results, and data from integrated medical devices and mobile app), which is accessible online by the patient & the authorized medical and paramedical personnel. With ePokratis mobile application we enable the user to perform an Ai empowered health check and get important health vitals: a)Heart Rate, b)Blood Pressure, c)Heart Rate Variability, d)Breathing Rate, e)Oxygen Saturation, f)Stress Level, etc, just by recording a short video with the cellphone camera.

TMA e-Pokratis is a Cloud Telemedicine Platform, and its main purpose is to assist first aid personnel to gather as much information about the patient’s condition in the least possible time to compose an accurate outlook of his condition and manage the patient’s health needs forward.

Applies to

  • Digital Health - Microtechnology


Telematic Medical Applications Ltd

Small Enterprise Company

Piraeus, Greece

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