Match4Health 2024

20–21 Sept 2024 | Larissa, Greece


Start-up, Portugal


Psychomeasure is a clinical tool based on natural language processing (NLP) to support physicians in their diagnosis and monitoring of schizophrenia patients, and other mental disorders.

Psychomeasure tackles the issue of inefficient, error-prone, and lengthy assessments in the mental health sector. Traditional methods can often cause diagnosis delays, escalating the risk of worsening mental health conditions. They can also be subjective, leading to potential inaccuracies. Traditional schizophrenia diagnostic methods, which rely on psychiatric evaluations, behavioral examinations, and medical history assessments, can be lengthy, subjective, and error-prone.

Areas of Activity

Health & digital solutions for the third agePatients with chronic diseases in the digital ageDigital medicineMental health & digitalization


Eduardo Sampaio

