Paola Castrillo

Innovation Manager

Blue Synergy

Madrid, Spain

60 profile visitsVirtual Participant

HORIZON-CL6-2025-01-BIODIV-01-two-stage, CL6-2025-01-BIODIV-02-two-stage, CL6-2025-02-FARM2FORK-05-two-stage and CL6-2025-02-FARM2FORK-01-two-stage

About me

Our team supports decision makers to design and implement appropriate strategies aimed to increase both, the profitability and the positive environmental & social impacts of our clients´operations. Our experts also supports managers/investors to estimate potential economic, environmental and social impacts of their organizations´operations and investments, respectively.

My organisation

The main objective of the company is to guide private and public organizations in their way towards the implementation of sustainable products and services into the market. The services offered by the company include Sustainability Services, proposals writing and innovation management. The Blue Synergy personnel has extensive background supporting organizations in the design and development of innovation portfolios and addressing the environmental, social and economic impacts of their innovations, . We also have experience contributing in European projects framed in different funding programmes such as Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe, etc.

Social media

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Choose the D2-02 calls you're interested in

HORIZON-CL5-2024-D2-02-02: Post-Li-ion technologies and relevant manufacturing techniques for mobility applications (Generation 5) (Batt4EU Partnership)HORIZON-CL5-2024-D2-02-03: Size & weight reduction of cell and packaging of batteries system, integrating lightweight and functional materials, innovative thermal management and safe and sustainable by design approach (Batt4EU Partnership)

Choose the D3-02 calls you're interested in

HORIZON-CL5-2024-D3-02-02: Development of next generation synthetic renewable fuel technologiesHORIZON-CL5-2024-D3-02-08: Minimisation of environmental, and optimisation of socio-economic impacts in the deployment, operation and decommissioning of offshore wind farmsHORIZON-CL5-2024-D3-02-10: Market Uptake Measures of renewable energy systems

Choose the D6-01 calls you're interested in

HORIZON-CL5-2024-D6-01-06: Optimising multimodal network and traffic management, harnessing data from infrastructures, mobility of passengers and freight transport