Jérémie Thiblet

Chief Growth Officer

NeoVentures Biotechnology Europe

Villejuif, France

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NeoVentures Biotechnology Europe


NeoVentures Biotechnology Europe (NBE) pioneers a transformative approach in the biopharma industry with its groundbreaking biomarker discovery and high-plex proteomics validation platform.

This platform relies on advanced aptamer libraries to analyze epitope profiles in biofluids and liquid biopsies, facilitating the precise measurement of surrogate biomarkers and accelerating the creation of predictive in vitro diagnostic (IVD) tests tailored to defined pathophysiological conditions and industry quality control issues.

This new R&D tool evaluates 16.8 million aptamer-DNA epitope interactions per sample to reveal molecular complexities, generating valuable data for biomarker discovery and molecular validation protocols.

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