EUREGHA - European Regional and Local Health Authorities asbl

www.euregha.netBrussels, Belgium
3 profile visits


EUREGHA is the European reference network of regional and local health authorities, bringing together 19 members from 10 countries across Europe, and is based in Brussels. EUREGHA aims to promote collaboration amongst European regions and local authorities within the framework of policies relating to public health and health care, aiming to achieve innovative, sustainable, future-proof health systems delivering more accessible and better care for all. EUREGHA also cooperates with the EU institutions, international and public organizations related to public health and health care. Based on this approach, EUREGHA views the future of healthcare through three lenses: a paradigm shift towards value-based healthcare; taking full advantage of digital transformation; and community and co-creation as key concepts in designing and implementing policies.

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Michele Calabro


EUREGHA - European Regional and Local Health Authorities asbl

Marco Di Donato

Policy and Project Officer

European Regional and Local Health Authorities