DEDIHCATED BFC is the EDIH for the Burgundy-Franche-Comté region (BFC). The BFC region is the leading French region in terms of industrial employment with strong specificities: automotive, transport and mobility, mechanics, mechatronics, plastics, agri-food, and energy. Despite a high-quality regional digital offer and skills, industrial SMEs are far from digitalization, due to fragmentation between the different regional structures and programmes, not very structured and organised links between digital and application market players, and lack of availability of skills in these areas.
The project create a one-stop-shop hub for industrial companies for their digital transition by offering them support and new services at reduced prices. DEDIHCATED BFC propose an innovative and added value approach based on the delivery of services in the form of an integrated pathway. Three thematic journeys have been designed in line with the industrial needs and a cybersecurity package :
From data to Artificial Intelligence for company management;
Digitalisation of business processes and production to the digital twin ;
Business skills training ;
In addition to these advances services, and in view to meet the needs of SMEs far from the digitalisation, entry-level services (awareness, DMA, and basic services) will serve at entry-point of the hub.
Bringing together 13 partners, DEDIHCATED BFC ensure both a good access to the industrial SMEs in all the targeted sectors and in all the geographical areas; and a technological expertise and infrastructures to deliver the services.
Sectors of application
Micro & Nano Systems