MIRABILIA Food&Drink2023

16–17 Oct 2023 | Hotel CARASCO, Lipari (ME), Italy

Cantine Massimo Leone


Winery Massimo Leone was founded in 2007 by the desire of a dynamic entrepreneur of Foggia to restore and protect the link between history and territory of the winemaking tradition. The winery is located in the center of the Tavoliere, where stood Arpi, founded by Diomedes King of Aetolia and one of the most important centers of Ancient Greece. The most important testimony of the Greek presence in the area of the winery is the Hypogeum of Ganymede the cupbearer of the gods. Just drawing inspiration from the topos of Ganymede was born the idea of planting native vineyards, following the road that millennia before had drawn the Greeks, leaving indelible footprints.

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Massimo Leone


Cantine Massimo Leone

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