BlueMissionBANOS Arena 3

26–27 Nov 2024 | Amsterdam, Netherlands

Vineta Goba

Principal Consultant Green Transition

Technopolis Group

Amsterdam, Netherlands

5 profile visitsSpeaker

Strongly involved in major Blue economy initiatives, through Mission Oceans Implementation Platform; and Study to support Sustainable Algae industry in Europe.

About me

Vineta Goba works as Principal Consultant/Project Manager across several competence areas (EU and global environmental, climate and research and innovation policies, biodiversity/nature conservation, natural resources management, climate change mitigation and adaptation, Blue Economy/bioeconomy, water/Oceans, waste management/circular economy, sustainable energy, regional and cohesion policies, just transition). She has expert level knowledge in international environmental governance, evaluation and impact assessment, proven experience in performing qualitative/quantitative analysis, and solid experience in project planning, implementation and evaluation, technical assistance, business needs assessment, risk assessment, financial assessment, analysis of regulatory constraints or standards regimes, and feasibility studies. Due to her recent involvement in various projects aimed at nature/biodiversity protection and conservation (Evaluation of EU LIFE Programme Nature and Biodiversity grant proposals; Evaluation of EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020), and support to EC Mission Oceans (Baseline Study for The Baltic and North Sea lighthouse; Mission Oceans Implementation Platform) she has obtained expert level knowledge of nature/biodiversity and Ocean policies/Blue Economy sector in Europe.  Throughout her career, Vineta has been coordinating the implementation of numerous complex projects, therefore she also gained significant experience in project coordination and management.

My organisation

Technopolis Group is an international research and consulting organisation working for the public sector. Starting as a frontrunner in the science, technology and innovation policy sector, we have grown and diversified our areas of expertise and solutions to climate change and environment, digital transformation, education and skills, life sciences and health, and international cooperation. We have expanded our activities beyond Europe, to Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia and the Pacific.

Social media


  • Blue Economy; Nature&Biodiversity; Mission Oceans

Speaker sessions (1)

Tuesday, 26 November 2024

09:15 - 10:45

Opening Session - Setting the Scene for the Mission Ocean and Waters in the Arena 3 Region

Format:In-personLocation:Hall 1 - The Plenary
  • Mission Ocean & Waters