BlueMissionBANOS Arena 3

26–27 Nov 2024 | Amsterdam, Netherlands

Andrew Gill

Principal Scientist, and Strategic Lead for Offshore and Marine Renewable Energy (OMRE)


Lowestoft, United Kingdom

2 profile visitsSpeaker

I am an applied fish/fisheries ecologist, leading ecosystem-based strategic development of Cefas OMRE activities.

About me

Andrew is a Principal Scientist, and the Strategic Lead for Offshore and Marine Renewable Energy (OMRE) at Cefas, the UK Government agency for marine and freshwater science evidence and advice. He is an applied fish/fisheries behavioural ecologist, and joined Cefas in 2019, with 30 years of experience principally in applied science within the University sector. His current focus is leading the strategic development of OMRE activities and further developing Cefas-wide initiatives into the decarbonisation agenda. He has particular interest and expertise in the environmental effects and impact assessment of renewable energy developments and electricity transmission and more widely cumulative ecological impact assessment, ecological risk and systems approaches. Andrew has chaired and served on many international committees and authored/co-authored numerous cross-disciplinary international journal articles, book chapters and scientific reports. He is co-Chair of ICES Working Group - Offshore Windfarm Developments and Fisheries (2020 - to date).

Research profile and publications: (15) A. B. Gill ( ; ‪Andrew Gill - ‪Google Scholar

My organisation

Cefas, the Centre for Environment, Fisheries, and Aquaculture Science, is an Executive Agency of Defra (the UK Government’s Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs). Through innovative solutions and world leading applied science we work to ensure a sustainable future for our rivers, seas and the ocean, supporting healthy and productive marine and freshwater ecosystem

Social media

Speaker sessions (1)

Wednesday, 27 November 2024

09:15 - 15:30

Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership Regional Workshop - Blue Economy for the North Sea

Format:In-personLocation:Hall 2 - The Space
  • Mission Ocean & Waters