Mission Innovation Austria Week 2024

08.–10.10.2024 | Stegersbach, Österreich

Jonas Birgersson


ViaEuropa Sverige AB

Lund, Schweden

11 ProfilbesucheSprecherSprecher:in

JB is creating the world’s first Energy Protocol (EP) to enable the "Internetification of Energy distribution" that will lead to low fixed prices for energy

Meine Organisation

Building “Open Symmetric Gigabit” broadband network in a PPP with the government of Israel 2013 - 2020 and in Austria since 2019. These projects he believes will be the blueprint for how to bring “fiber to all”. In both projects ViaEuropa is the neutral operator that with its "UrbanOS" BRIKKS software run an open eco-system for Real-estate Corp. and Cities.
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Über mich

Jonas Birgersson – short biography Born: Lund, Sweden 1971 Education: multiple disciplines University of Lund Recipient of awards: including GLT / TP with World Economic Forum Goal: “Smart infrastructure for a better everyday life" Nickname: "Broadband Jesus"

Jonas “Birger” Birgersson is a Swedish Entrepreneur that has founded several companies and organizations. Currently he is creating the world’s first Energy Protocol (EP) together with fellow enthusiasts in the Energy Engineering Task Force (EETF) to enable the " Internetification of Energy storage and distribution" that will lead to low, fixed price for all the green energy that you need. In short this will be the Energy society that will be built on top of the existing network economy.

Meine Organisation

ViaEuropa Sverige AB


Building “Open Symmetric Gigabit” broadband network in a PPP with the government of Israel 2013 - 2020 and in Austria since 2019.

These projects he believes will be the blueprint for how to bring “fiber to all”.

In both projects ViaEuropa is the neutral operator that with its "UrbanOS" BRIKKS software run an open eco-system for Real-estate Corp. and Cities.

Sprechersitzungen (1)

Mittwoch, 9. Oktober 2024

11:40 - 13:00

Rolle der Regionen in der nationalen Energiewende - Podiumsdiskussion

Format:Vor OrtLocation:großer SaalKategorie:Regionen in der Energiewende
  • Plenum

Damit die Energiewende gelingt braucht es gemeinsame Anstrengungen auf allen Ebenen im Energiesystem. In dieser hochkarätigen Podiumsdiskussion beleuchten wir die besondere Rolle der Regionen bei der Transformation des Energiesystems.