Business Meetings at OMC Med Energy 2025

8–16 Apr 2025 | Ravenna , Italy


ProductUpdated on 3 March 2025


Vittorio Faluomi

innovation manager at tea sistemi spa

Pisa, PI, Italy


The MAST code, of which the development started in 2006, is a transient one-dimensional multi-phase flow simulator that is deployed for the analysis of multi-phase flows in pipelines for flow assurance studies and thermo-hydraulic analysis.The most relevant features of the code are that i) it retains the same set of closure laws regardless of the local flow pattern which generates in space and time in any given computational cell and ii) it allows the user to choose a desired closure law (for the evaluation of the friction factors, onset of droplets atomization, rates of gas entrainment into the front of the slug) from an internal library. Fully heat conduction across the insulation layers is available, and pipelines equipment (i.e. multi-phase pumps, separator, valves, controllers) are included in the standard code model, as well as the moduled devoted to flow assurance analyses (wax deposition hydrate kinetic, erosinal/corrosion models). Finally,non-Newtonian fluid can be simulated, including slurries/mud fluids


tea sistemi spa


Pisa, toscana, Italy

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