CNR-INM (Italian National Research Council - Institute for Marine Engineering)
The Institute of Marine Engineering is a public research institute within the Department of Engineering, ICT and Technologies for Energy and Transport of the Italian National Research Council (, ).
INM mission is pursued within the following research areas:
•Models, technologies and innovative design systems for marine/maritime sector
•Marine vehicles
•Marine robotics
•Marine renewable energy
•Environmental acoustics, underwater acoustics, and geo-acoustics
•Acoustic characterization of materials, structures, and environments
•Development and applications of instrumentation (sensors, actuators, transducers)
•Logistics and transport in maritime environment
•Marine vehicles energy management onboard and in port/coastal areas
which are organized in the following project areas:
•Low-environmental impact vehicles for a sustainable transport
•Marine technologies
•Low-emission energy technologies
•Future internet
•Robotics and control systems
•Smart city
•Technologies for cultural heritage use and preservation
•Applied mathematics
and implemented within INM in specific research topics and groups.
INM Headquarter is located in Rome. The Institute includes Genova, Palermo, and Rome Tor Vergata branch offices. INM staff counts more than 180 people including research scientists and engineers, technicians, postdocs, students, and administrative personnel.
At the date of definition of this document, many R&D activities are being carried out. Scientific partnerships and collaborations include subjects belonging to both the world of industry and research.
Most of the sources of funding come from R&D activities carried out with EU FP7th, EDA (European Defense Agency), PNRM (Italian National Military Research Program), ONR (Office of Naval Research), PRIN (Italian research projects of Relevant National Interest) and from applied research activities towards SME's and large companies (both Italian and foreign).
The large extra structural equipment and the large experimental facilities ( that it manages owned (some of them are unique in the world) make it one of the globally recognized most important research centers in the world focused on most of the issues related to marine technologies matters.
Scientist researcher
CNR-INM (Italian National Research Council - Institute for Marine Engineering)