OPD2024 Matchmaking

29 May – 5 Jun 2024 | Helsinki, Finland

Arto Aho

CTO and Founder

Winse Power Ltd.

Tampere, Finland

5 profile visits

Specialist in the field of III-V compound semiconductor technology, multijunction photovoltaics and lasers since 2006.


My organisation

Winse Power Ltd.


We are Winse Power Ltd., a leading provider of innovative and sustainable energy solutions. Our team is dedicated to developing cutting-edge technology to meet the growing demand for clean and reliable power sources. With a focus on customer satisfaction and environmental stewardship, we are proud to contribute to a greener future for all.

Additional questions

What kind of partners are you looking for?

Customers and business partners etc.

I am active in


OpticsSensing & ImagingNanophotonicsSpectroscopyPhotonic Materials & Structures Manufacturing TechnologiesLaser TechnologiesQuantum TechnologiesSensorsOther

Value Chain

Business DevelopmentDesign / R&D / EngineeringTesting & AnalysisProductionSales & Distribution


Winse Power Ltd.

Company / SME

Tampere, Finland