Matchmaking Neuroscience meets Bioinformatics

4 Sept – 18 Oct 2023 | Wroclaw, Poland

ExpertiseUpdated on 25 August 2023

Horizon Europe projects - partner search

Monika Ślęzak

Coordinator of Industry Contact Point Medical Technologies and Health at Lukasiewicz Research Network - PORT Polish Center for Technology Development

Wrocław, Poland


The role of Industry Contact POint MedTech&Health is to actively support Polish companies, research organization and universities in establishing international contacts in order to undertake joint European projects, financed within Horizon Europe Framework Programme, especially projects covered by Pillar II, Cluster 1 Health, European Partnerships (like IHI, THCS, ERA4HEalth) and Mission Cancer.   Along with our advisory role, we establish ties between our clients and international partners to build new project consortia, as well as constantly look for new opportunities for our Polish clients to join. We also help  throughout the consortium creation and project preparation process.

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