Quantum Industry Day in Switzerland 2024

23 Sept 2024 | Basel, Switzerland

Frank Deppe

Team Leader Co-Design Implementation

IQM Quantum Computers

Munich, Germany

19 profile visitsSpeaker


Frank Deppe leads the Co-Design Implementation team developing advanced co-design quantum computing systems at IQM Quantum Computers. He holds a PhD in physics and a private lecturership (“Privatdozentur”) at the Technical University of Munich. Before joining IQM, he worked in academia for 20 years on superconducting quantum circuits as well as on microwave communication and sensing.

My organisation

IQM Quantum Computers

IQM is a global leader in building quantum computers. IQM provides on-premises quantum computers for supercomputing centres, enterprises, and research labs and offers full access to its hardware. IQM also has a quantum computing cloud offering “IQM Resonance.

Speaker sessions (1)

Monday, 23 September 2024

10:05 - 10:30

Overview of Quantum Instrumentation

Location:Event hall - uptownHall
Keynote session

Frank Deppe - IQM