Quantum Industry Day in Switzerland 2024

23 Sept 2024 | Basel, Switzerland

Roberto Mottola


Universität Basel

Basel, Switzerland

14 profile visitsSpeaker

About me

Roberto Mottola is a postdoctoral researcher in the Quantum Memory Lab at the University of Basel, working in the research group of Prof. Philipp Treutlein. Over the past few years, he worked on quantum memories for light using hot atomic vapors as storagemedium, demonstrating single-photon storage and retrieval with high bandwidth. His current research is focused on optimizing and miniaturizing such quantum memories and interfacing them with high-quality single-photon sources such as semiconductor quantumdots and spontaneous parametric downconversion sources. Demonstrating elementary quantum interconnects on a scalable technological platform will be an important step towards quantum networking demonstrations, such as entanglement distribution between multiple network nodes.

My organisation

Universität Basel

We are the University of Basel, a leading educational institution in Switzerland. With a rich history dating back to 1460, we are committed to providing high-quality education and conducting cutting-edge research in various fields. Our diverse academic community fosters innovation and excellence, making us a hub for knowledge exchange and collaboration. Join us in shaping the future through learning and discovery at the University of Basel.

Speaker sessions (1)

Monday, 23 September 2024

14:00 - 16:00

Session D - Quantum Sensors

Format:In-personLocation:Room 2 - seminar rightTrack:Session D - Quantum Sensors

Félix Bussières, IDQ - Thibaud Ruelle, CSEM - Roberto Mottola, Uni Basel - Mathieu Munsch, Qnami - Dominik Husmann, METAS - Björn Jósteinsson, Qzabre