Quantum Industry Day in Switzerland 2024

23 Sept 2024 | Basel, Switzerland

Thibaud Ruelle

R&D Engineer


Neuchâtel, Switzerland

5 profile visitsSpeaker


Thibaud Ruelle obtained his PhD in Experimental Physics from the University of Basel, complementing his background in Material Sciences with hands-on experience in designing, building, and characterizing systems involving optics, mechanics, and electronics. Thibaud now works as a Senior R&D Engineer at CSEM, where he contributes to the development of industrial and research projects in the field of atomic clocks, quantum systems, and laser-based instrumentation.

My organisation


CSEM is an internationally recognized innovation organisation which develops disruptive technologies with a high societal impact in the fields of precision manufacturing, digitalization, ultra-low-power electronics, optical elements, AI, and sustainable energy. We then transfer these innovations to industry partners in a variety of sectors, including renewable energy, healthcare, watchmaking, and aerospace, or encourage start-up creations.

As a public-private, non-profit organization, our mission is to support innovation in Swiss companies and strengthen the economy through ongoing collaboration with leading universities, research institutes, and industrial partners

Speaker sessions (1)

Monday, 23 September 2024

14:00 - 16:00

Session D - Quantum Sensors

Location:Room 2 - seminar right
Session D - Quantum Sensors

Félix Bussières, IDQ - Thibaud Ruelle, CSEM - Roberto Mottola, Uni Basel - Mathieu Munsch, Qnami - Dominik Husmann, METAS - Björn Jósteinsson, Qzabre