Quantum Industry Day in Switzerland 2024

23 Sept 2024 | Basel, Switzerland

Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center

University / R&D Institution

www.psnc.pl/Poznań, Poland


PSNC provides access to a world-class e-Infrastructure for the scientific community, a specific research and development environment – DIGITAL SCIENCE – for “proof of concept” projects, prototyping or large-scale pilot projects. Another branch of our activity is in DIGITAL INDUSTRY, which is focused on the creation of innovations based on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), i.e. the execution of specific implementations for various fields of science and industry. Equally important is our work in the context of SOCIAL INNOVATION to spread knowledge and awareness of contemporary technological opportunities among various social groups, as well as actively fighting against digital exclusion.


Quantum Communication&SecurityQuantum ComputingQuantum Sensing&ImagingQuantum-based Use Cases (chemistry, sensing, etc.)Software (end-user applications, simulations, algorithms, etc.)Other Quantum (consultancy, policy, education, etc.)


Business DevelopmentR&D / EngineeringSupport (consulting, public funding, policy etc.)


Piotr Rydlichowski


Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center