Anikó Balogh
Ph.D. Statistician and sociologist
University Mannheim
Budapest, Hungary
4 profile visitsSpeaker
About me
Aniko Balogh is a data scientist and sociologist, holds degrees from Mannheim University, Michigan University and ELTE Budapest. Currently she serves as a researcher and lecturer at Mannheim and CEU, Vienna. Aniko is the data scientist of the FeverFriend app, exploring the impact of parental health education on child antibiotics/antipyretics consumption and the use of the health system. She also leads research on the effect of perinatal interventions on the course of early childcare.
My organisation
University Mannheim
- data science
- Machine Learning
- survey statistics
- social research
- research on education
- health research
- eHealth
Speaker sessions (1)
Friday, 10 November 2023
12:15 - 13:00
Workshop eHealth (parallel session 2)
Format:Video conferencingTrack:Workshops
- FeverFriend App (Dr. Habil. Henrik Szőke)
- TCIH website (Prof. Dr. Erik W. Baars)
- Natural medicines app for URTIs (Drs. Eefje Belt)