Simon Schmiderer
Co-Founder | Co-CEO @ zone14
Vienna, Österreich
14 ProfilbesucheSprecher
Meine Organisation
zone14 makes unseen football talent seen.
Thanks to our all-in-one Videoplattform we provide Coaches, Clubs an Players of every Club with the tools formerly only available for Champions League Football. Our proprietary tracking Algorithm is the first one able to track football players even outside the laboratory conditions of elite football stadiums. As a result we can bring data from the currently 200 Million untracked footballers to Ciaches, Scouts, Broadcasting, Media and Fans.
Über mich
- SportsTech
- sport
- AI
- innovation
- Sales
- Business Development
Zusätzliche Fragen
Artificial IntelligenceSprechersitzungen (1)
Mittwoch, 5. März 2025
15:00 - 16:30
SportsTech Talk - KI im Sport
Format:Vor OrtLocation:Side EventsKategorie:Presentation
Erfahren Sie, wie Künstliche Intelligenz den Sport verändert – von Marketing und Verwaltung bis hin zur Performance-Analyse und Trainingsoptimierung.