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5. März 2025 | Salzburg, Österreich

Alexandra Bolena

Vorstandsmitglied / Founder

SENA / Bolena Impact-Investments

Vienna, Österreich

35 ProfilbesucheSprecher

Co-Founder of the regional Austria Chapter of BIII. Passionate about Sustainable Finance & Impact Investing. Network expert. Speaker. Capital raiser. Teacher.

Über mich

After seven years in politics Alexandra Bolena has been supporting institutional investors on the subject of "alternative investments" since 2012. In recent years, the focus has clearly been on sustainable offers. The own company Bolena Impact Investments has been found in 2020. Several lectureships. In 2021, Alexandra Bolena’s book "Sustainable Investing for Dummies" was published by Wiley Verlag.

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Sprechersitzungen (2)

Mittwoch, 5. März 2025

11:30 - 12:00

Green Transformation: Experts Talk

Format:Vor OrtLocation:SALT'N'VENTURE StageKategorie:Expert Talk
  • Saltn Venture

Expert Talk zu Innovationen & Startups rund um Technologien für eine klimaneutrale und ressourcenschonende Zukunft

12:00 - 12:40

Green Transformation: Startup Pitches

Format:Vor OrtLocation:SALT'N'VENTURE StageKategorie:Presentation
  • Saltn Venture

Startups, die mit grünen Technologien wirtschaftliche Chancen schaffen, während sie CO₂-Emissionen reduzieren und Ressourcen schonen.