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5. März 2025 | Salzburg, Österreich

Andrei Podlesnyi

Investment Manager

Triple Impact Ventures

Vienna, Österreich

16 ProfilbesucheSprecher

Investing in early-stage start-ups tackling the Triple Planetary Crisis - climate change, loss of biodiversity and pollution

Meine Organisation

Triple Impact Ventures (TIV) was founded in April 2022 and is the Vienna-based investment vehicle of Markus Linder, a serial entrepreneur who co-founded Zoovu and inoqo. Triple Impact Ventures invests in scalable early-stage start-ups tackling the Triple Planetary Crisis (climate change, loss of biodiversity and pollution).
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Über mich

Andrei is Investment Manager at Vienna-based Triple Impact Ventures (TIV). He manages the firm’s investment activities focused on European early-stage start-ups addressing the Triple Planetary Crisis encompassing climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. Besides, he oversees portfolio management and manages operational aspects. Andrei discovered his passion for early-stage investing following his work experiences at the Austrian climate-tech startup inoqo and his time in asset management at PIMCO in Munich and London. He completed an MSc in finance from the London Business School and holds an undergraduate degree in economics from the University of Warwick. He also completed all CFA examinations.

Sozialen Medien

Sprechersitzungen (2)

Mittwoch, 5. März 2025

11:30 - 12:00

Green Transformation: Experts Talk

Format:Vor OrtLocation:SALT'N'VENTURE StageKategorie:Expert Talk
  • Saltn Venture

Expert Talk zu Innovationen & Startups rund um Technologien für eine klimaneutrale und ressourcenschonende Zukunft

12:00 - 12:40

Green Transformation: Startup Pitches

Format:Vor OrtLocation:SALT'N'VENTURE StageKategorie:Presentation
  • Saltn Venture

Startups, die mit grünen Technologien wirtschaftliche Chancen schaffen, während sie CO₂-Emissionen reduzieren und Ressourcen schonen.