The Kick Out Malaria program is a project of Millennial Solutions LLC developed to help children and families fight climate change, the resultant spike in infectious diseases and food shortages worldwide. This program comprises the following initiatives:
The Kick Out Malaria Story and Game series including storybooks, story apps, computer video games and cartoon video episodes is created to help children and families adopt a healthy lifestyle for their well-being and embrace positive attitudes toward tackling environmental pollution for the common good. For more information, please visit: https://www.kickoutmalaria.com
The Kick Out Malaria School and Community Outreach and Train-the-trainer program is designed to provide teachers, guardians, caregivers and youth leaders with the fundamental knowledge they need to be better positioned as catalysts for more inclusive climate action, first as informed changemakers and climate change agents themselves and also as trainers and influencers for children. For more information, please visit: https://www.kickoutmalaria.com/community-engagement
The Kick Out Malaria Repurpose-to-Wealth is a circular economy initiative helping households and families turn their domestic waste into wealth and tap into a US$170 billion industry. For more information, please visit: https://www.kickoutmalaria.com/repurpose-to-wealth
Recycling and reuse
Sustainable urban drainage systems