Konstantin Jasnić
Director of company
Ruma, Serbia
Engineering is my passion.
About me
My organisation
Our company is doing engineering, manufacturing and selling of equipment, tooling and standard semi-automatic machines for production or logistic process in the factory.
We work for companies in automotive, rubber and wire extrusion industry.
We are thinking together with our customers about lay-out of shop floor (or production cell), ergonomics, productivity, visual management - everything needed for desired takt time. This gives us the opportunity to offer you technological solutions tailor to your production lines:
Lean equipment, devices, test machines etc.
Trolleys, conveyors, shelves etc.
Grippers, ergonomic platforms etc.
Robot grippers;
Assembly tools, cutting tools, leak test or other control tools etc.
Spare parts for production lines.
Additional questions
Areas of activities/Oblast poslovanja
Core business/Delatnost kompanije
Engineering, manufacturing and selling of equipment, tooling and standard semi-automatic machines for production or logistic process in the factory.
Lean equipment, devices, test machines etc. Trolleys, conveyors, shelves etc. Grippers, ergonomic platforms etc. Robot grippers; Assembly tools, cutting tools, leak test or other control tools etc. Spare parts for production lines. SOLINTECH catalogue: https://solintechjk-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/konstantin_solintech_rs1/EX-UiDg0PVFChMLrnJnMNJMBK1QSSQtrdPURPPBzwrg_YQ?e=IY4eZP
Export markets/Izvozna tržišta