Sustainable Places 2024

23–25 Sept 2024 | Luxembourg

Christine Gritsch

Head of Research and Innovation

Blueprint Energy Solutions GmbH

Vienna, Austria



Dedicating the past 15 years to climate change research, project leadership, and software proficiency with a strong background in environmental sciences and a Ph.D. in climate change research.

Facilitated workshops on understanding the IPCC reports. Lead task on EU project focusing on the Effects of Climate Change, and projects for NGO in the field of natural disasters. Provided project management and consultancy services, implementing software testing solutions and process optimizations across diverse sectors, including finance, insurance, private enterprises, and state authorities.

Research and teaching activities at Columbia, BOKU, and Karl-Franzens University resulting in book and paper publications.

My organisation

Blueprint Energy Solutions GmbH

Blueprint Energy Solutions GmbH is an Austrian engineering and ICT service company. We support EU projects on topics such as energy transition & climate change mitigation and adaptation and are always looking for new partners and consortiums.

We have experience with following topics:

  • Energy sector & communities

  • Digitalization of the energy sector

  • Citizen Engagement

  • Climate Change – Adaptation & Mitigation

  • Smart Buildings

  • Smart Cities

  • Circular Economy

Social media

Additional questions

Areas of activity

Energy Communities, Smart Cities & Urban TransitionDecarbonization & CircularityClimate Change Mitigation and AdaptationFacilitating the Energy Transition: Policy, Finance, TrainingSustainable Urban Renewal & Cultural Transformation

Speaker sessions (1)

Wednesday, 25 September 2024

14:00 - 17:30