Sustainable Places 2024

23–25 Sept 2024 | Luxembourg

Francesca Battistelli

Project manager

Italian National Research Council (CNR) - Institute for atmosferic pollution research (IIA)

Rome, Italy

1 profile visitSpeaker

EU Funding Manager at CNR-IIA, PhD candidate with a research project on Energy Communities in small islands, I coordinate the LIFE ISLET project


Senior PM - Graduated in International Relations with a post-university specialization in European Public Relations, I have over 15 years of experience in PM and financial management of national and EU funded projects. I am currently EU-funding coordinator at the Institute for Atmospheric Pollution Research of Italian National Reserarch Council (CNR-IIA) and in this role I am managing several projects and I am the scientific coordinator of LIFE ISLET project (GA 101120073). Previously, I worked at the biggest Italian environmental NGO, Legambiente, developing proposals and managing projects about renewable energies, energy efficiency, social acceptance of RES, cicular economy, climate policies (both Italian and EU), biodiversity conservation. Then, at Institute of Atmospheric Pollution research, my interest in energy issue are linked to the energy impact on air quality and on climate change, managing project on decarbonisation of Islands, mobility and bioenergy. My research activity is more specific on small Italian islands’ sustainability, where the water-energy-waste nexus is crucial. I am PhD candidate in Energy&Environment at La Sapienza University.

My organisation

Italian National Research Council (CNR) - Institute for atmosferic pollution research (IIA)

The IIA aims at knowing and understanding air quality to act towards decarbonisation and sustainable development to protect future generations. The institute acts towards the ecological transition by integrating skills and knowledge, monitoring and studying air quality, including causes and impacts, in order to guarantee people's health and direct sustainable industrial policies and practices. More info at

Social media


  • project management
  • small islands
  • sustainability
  • EU funds
  • Environment
  • group management


  • Energy communities
  • environmental policies
  • Air quality
  • Urban

Additional questions

Areas of activity

Energy Communities, Smart Cities & Urban TransitionDecarbonization & CircularityFacilitating the Energy Transition: Policy, Finance, Training

Speaker sessions (2)