Sustainable Places 2024

23–25 Sept 2024 | Luxembourg

Georg Vogt

Head of ICT Innovation Energy / Green Economy

empirica Communication and Technology Research

Bonn, Germany

2 profile visitsSpeaker

Working on horizontal and systemic topics and challenges which require many stakeholders and/or methodology (e.g. Better Regulation)


Georg Vogt has been developing and managing policy studies and international projects in the field of circularity, (smart) energy and procurement since 2011. He currently leads the innovation procurement projects CircularPSP (circular economy solutions for cities) and procuRE (100% renewable renovation). He supports energy agencies in applying the Better Regulation Guideline methodology to create better policies for EPC and SRI. He conducts studies for the European Commission, including impact assessments (asbestos screening for DG GROW), evaluations (SET Plan for DG RTD) and EU-wide guidelines for sub-metering (DG ENER). His numerous demonstration projects on intelligent and energy efficient buildings have received awards. For the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate, he coordinated the exchange of expertise and networking efforts in the large-scale project SINTEG. He holds degrees in economics and European studies.

My organisation

empirica Communication and Technology Research

empirica Communication and Technology Research is a research and consulting company, founded 1988 in Bonn, Germany. The company provides targeted research to support policy formulation for governments, the EU, and industry. Its main areas of research and consulting are Healthcare, Energy, Healthy Ageing, eSkills & Work, and Entrepreneurship. Our mission is to enable our clients to take informed decisions with the vision to drive digitisation and innovation for the public good. We focus on the development, implementation, and assessment of novel concepts for the sustainable improvement of living and working conditions as well as health, and the enhancement of the innovative ability and competitiveness of economies and societies. Our public and private clients include the European Commission, European Parliament, WHO, OECD, ESA, national and regional governments, healthcare providers, global industries, and NGOs. empirica regularly lead and participate in projects granted by European R&I Framework Programmes including Horizon Europe.

In the context of Smart Energy and Green Economy, empirica has been conducting large-scale innovation projects on energy efficiency and smart solutions since 2007, supported the Commission in the impact assessment of the novel Asbestos Screening Directive and supported the recast for Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) and provided accompanying research on the German smart grid of 2030 and beyond for the Germany Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. We recently evaluated the European Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan. Currently, we lead two innovation procurements on a replicable 100% RES renovation approach and on platforms for the Circular Economy. We work with cities, utilities, housing companies, researchers, and service providers across Europe in public and private building on SRI related technologies as well as behavioural measures. Our strength is bringing together disciplines and defining the roll-out and up-scaling paths for new solutions.

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Areas of activity

Energy Communities, Smart Cities & Urban TransitionRenewable Energy TechnologiesSustainable Construction & RenovationDecarbonization & CircularityFacilitating the Energy Transition: Policy, Finance, TrainingDigital Twins, Smartness & Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability

Speaker sessions (2)

Tuesday, 24 September 2024

09:00 - 12:30

EPBD Implementation: Smartness for Energy Efficiency (Briefing Room PL)

Format:Live stream

“EPBD Implementation: Smartness for Energy Efficiency - tools for buildings and their users”

14:00 - 17:30

EPBD Implementation: NexGen EPC Cluster (Briefing Room PL)

Format:Live stream

"EPBD Implementation: Facilitated & enhanced by the projects of the Next Gen EPC cluster"