Sustainable Places 2024

23–25 Sept 2024 | Luxembourg

Riccardo Toffanin

Project Manager - Energy Engineer

Azienda Elettrica di Massagno (AEM) SA

Lugano, Switzerland


Energy engineer focused on project management and modeling of energy systems. Passionate about driving the energy transition, let's power a sustainable future!


Riccardo Toffanin is an energy engineer with 5 years of professional experience, currently serving as a Project Manager at Azienda Elettrica di Massagno (AEM).

He holds a double M.Sc. in Sustainable Energy Engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), along with a B.Sc. in Energy Engineering from Politecnico di Milano.

His areas of expertise include demand-side flexibility control, energy systems modeling, and their techno-economic analysis and optimization.

My organisation

Azienda Elettrica di Massagno (AEM) SA

Social media


  • Renewable Energy
  • energy system
  • Control
  • optimization
  • project management
  • Heat pump

Additional questions

Areas of activity

Energy Communities, Smart Cities & Urban TransitionRenewable Energy TechnologiesClimate Change Mitigation and AdaptationResilience & Energy Security

Speaker sessions (2)

Tuesday, 24 September 2024

09:00 - 10:30

User Engagement for Energy Transition (Briefing Room UK)

Format:Live stream

“Scaling up user engagement strategies for sustainable energy transition”