Sustainable Places 2024

23–25 Sept 2024 | Luxembourg

Elodie Héberlé

Head of Energy and Environment Studies

Cerema - Direction territoriale Est



I am a building physics engineer. I specialise in energy retrofitting of historic buildings and heat and moisture transport in walls.


Elodie Héberlé is a building physics engineer with a master's degree in building research. Since 2009, she has been working on hygrothermal transfers and energy renovation of old buildings. She is recognised as an international building expert by the French Ministry for Ecological Transition.

She has led and contributed to a number of studies on the subject, including "Old dwellings in Alsace: energy improvements and heritage conservation" and "HYGROBA: study on the hygrothermal rehabilitation of old walls".Since 2018, she has been the technical director of CREBA (Resource Centre for the Responsible Rehabilitation of Old Buildings and has represented it on the committees awarding the experimental Effinergie-Patrimoine label.

She is the coordinator of the MOOC "Designing responsible energy-efficient renovation of old buildings" (2022-...) and of the training course "Energy and environmental improvement of heritage buildings" at the Ecole de Chaillot (2022-...).

Since 2023, she is taking part in the European research project CALECHE (Coherent Acceptable Low Emission Cultural Heritage Efficient Renovation), where she is working on the measurement of the air-tightness of old windows.

My organisation

Cerema - Direction territoriale Est

Cerema supports public stakeholders with its engineering and technical expertise in six different fields, in an effort to facilitate the transition to a low-carbon economy that consumes fewer resources, cares for the environment, and is fairer to all. It promotes professional standards at a regional, national, European, and worldwide level.

Social media


  • energy retrofit
  • Historic buildings
  • Heat and mass transfer


  • energy retrofit
  • Historic buildings
  • Heat and mass transfer
  • Training and Education
  • standards and norms
  • Community engagement
  • use of IA

Additional questions

Areas of activity

Sustainable Construction & RenovationClimate Change Mitigation and AdaptationFacilitating the Energy Transition: Policy, Finance, Training

Speaker sessions (1)

Tuesday, 24 September 2024