Sustainable Places 2024

23–25 Sept 2024 | Luxembourg

Wednesday, 25 September 2024 | 14:00 - 15:30

Circular and Bio-based Building Solutions (Briefing Room CZ)

Format:Live stream
11 participants

The workshop brings together EU-funded projects on bio-based solutions for construction to discuss synergies and collaboration strategies for increasing energy efficiency and achieving climate neutral conditions. Experts will discuss building envelopes and renovation materials that boost energy savings, save resources, and decrease carbon emissions. Bio-based materials aim to reduce environmental impact, increase energy efficiency, and promote sustainable development. They offer low embodied energy, carbon footprint, renewable, biodegradable, and improve indoor air quality. The workshop will feature presentations, demonstrations, and ongoing results.

Contributing projects: BIO4EEB, EASI-ZERo, REINCARNATE, MEZeroE, Wood2Wood, and DeCO2

4 speakers