Sustainable Places 2024

23–25 Sept 2024 | Luxembourg

Wednesday, 25 September 2024 | 16:00 - 17:30

Exploring the Potential of Bio-based Materials in the Emerging Circular Economy (Briefing Room CZ)

Format:Live stream
10 participants

The use of bio-based materials, particularly bioplastics, is continuously growing, especially as substitutes for single-use products like food packaging. However, their application in durable goods remains limited, with few case studies and applications available. This workshop aims to expand the potential applications of bio-based polymers in durable goods by exploring the limits and opportunities these materials offer in sustainable applications. Significant case studies from the AMBIANCE project, with a focus on Sustainable Urban Renewal, will be presented during the session.

  • Selection of bio-based materials for the AMBIANCE project: Presentation by a technology expert from ITAINNOVA (project coordinator) and a representative from the end-user SETGA.

  • Addressing communication challenges related to the definition of bioplastics.

  • Assessing the circularity of bioplastics through methodologies such as Life Cycle Assessment and considerations on end-of-life scenarios and recyclability of these materials, with insights from a SUPSI expert.

  • Identifying gaps in standardization and supply chains: Contribution from a representative of UNI - the Italian Standardization Body (sharing best practices from the BIORECER project, GA n.101060684).

Contributing project: Ambiance

7 speakers