Sustainable Places 2024

23–25 Sept 2024 | Luxembourg

Wednesday, 25 September 2024 | 16:00 - 17:30

Clean Energy Transition Planning & Energy Vulnerability: Tools & Capacity Building Opportunities from 6 European Projects

Format:Video conferencing
12 participants

Workshop Overview: This workshop will cluster six European projects funded within the framework of the LIFE CET Programme that are developing tools, methods and capacity building programs for Clean Energy Transition planning and Energy Vulnerability mitigation. Participants to this workshop can expect to learn about the objectives of each project with focus on the specific tools and capacity building opportunities available for municipalities, local regional authorities and the professionals / organizations that support them in the development of planning and implementation of sustainability measures on the territory. After project introductions, a roundtable format will be utilized to extract lessons learned, common challenges and identified best practices. The roundtable seeks to be interactive with all workshop participants.

Target Audience: Local Regional Authorities, Municipalities and their planners, Energy Agencies, Universities partnering with municipalities for initiatives on the territory, consulting companies and sustainability professionals partnering or offering services to territory and municipal planners for clean energy transition planning and energy vulnerability.

Contributing projects: ENTRACK, LOCAL GoGREEN, NECPlatform, RENOVERTY and Step-WISE

8 speakers