
ProductUpdated on 29 January 2025

Biodegradable plastic made from renewable raw materials that can be processed on existing equipment.

Katrin Genster

Nature Compound GmbH

Schwerte, Germany


With a bio-based, degradable granulate made from almost 70 percent renewable raw materials, it wants to make a contribution to combating global pollution of forests and oceans. The startup is linked to the Beutler Group which has been offering packaging solutions on the market for more than 100 years and thus experienced in dealing with large clients.

The first target group is producers from the food and pharmaceutical industries who manufacture dosing aids or other thin-walled products.

Looking for

  • Customers/application partners

Applies to

  • Ecodesign and packaging
  • Circular Economy
  • Plastics/Chemicals


Nature Compound GmbH

Start-up company

Schwerte, Germany

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