
Gabriela Benveniste

Senior researcher

Catalonia Institute for Energy Research

barcelona, Spain

11 profile visitsSpeakerOther participant

My organisation

Mission Our mission is to contribute to the sustainable development of society with greater industrial competitiveness, by generating research of excellence, building new technologies to address current and future energy-related issues, and ensuring universal access to abundant, inexpensive and sustainable energy. Vision Our vision is to become a center of excellence and an international point of reference in the field of energy through research, development and innovation, and to work in a coordinated way with administration, industry and universities. Strategic goals » To spearhead the generation of disruptive scientific and technological knowledge aimed at providing industry with innovative and sustainable medium- and long-term energy solutions. » To promote the continuous transfer of knowledge to the market and society, by collaborating directly with companies, and providing an environment that empowers spin-offs and supports the generation and licensing of patents. » To expand our network in the field of energy, both at a local and international level, and to become a leading voice that inspires innovative, scientific and sustainable thinking across the sector.
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Speaker sessions (1)

Thursday, 13 February 2025

14:00 - 15:00

Innovative battery technologies and recycling of EV batteries

Format:Video conferencingTrack:Pitching session

This session presents various smart solutions in EV battery recycling as well as new and innovative approaches in battery technology from all over Europe.