
Cristina Cabeza

Sustainability Advisor

Andalucía TRADE

Seville, Spain

2 profile visitsSpeaker

My organisation

Andalucía TRADE

Andalucía TRADE

Public sector

Seville, Spain

The Business Development and Value Support department of Andalucia TRADE offers a range of services focused on innovation, knowledge transfer, and R&D&I cooperation: Innovation Audits: Assisting businesses in planning and managing their innovation activities, ensuring alignment with their overall business strategy., Support for the Valuation and Transfer of Technology and Knowledge: Enhancing the value of tangible and intangible assets, identifying and promoting Andalusian cooperation profiles (technological and research offers and demands), and supporting Technology and Knowledge Transfer agreements. This includes customized assistance for registration and successful participation in innovation and knowledge transfer events (B2B meetings)., Support on Sustainability: Guiding companies in transitioning to more sustainable business models., Identifying Funding Opportunities for R&D&I Projects: Helping businesses find suitable funding sources for their R&D&I initiatives., Support for R&D&I Projects: Defining strategic R&D&I lines and project ideas., Advice on Public Procurement for Innovation: Providing guidance on navigating public procurement processes for innovation., Protecting Your Innovation: Offering advice, management, and registration of industrial property, as well as technological watch services., Training on International Programs: Providing training and support for participation in international programs such as the European Commission's Framework Program for Research and Innovation (Horizon Europe), including assistance with project proposal development for various funding calls., Support for Business, Technology, and R&D Partnering: Helping companies find strategic business partners at regional, national, and international levels.
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About me

Cristina Cabeza holds a degree in Industrial Chemistry, a Diploma of Advanced Studies in Chemical Engineering, and is a University Expert in Technology Management and Foresight from the University of Seville, Spain. She serves as a senior advisor for the Agencia Empresarial para la Transformación y el Desarrollo Económico (TRADE), where her primary responsibilities include knowledge transfer and promotion, technology internationalization, and financing advice for R&D projects across regional, national, and European programs. Additionally, she provides innovation support services to Andalusian companies and research and technology developers (RTDs) in the agrofood and bioeconomy sectors.As a member of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), Cristina has organized and co-organized several international brokerage events and company missions. Within the EEN, she co-leads the Sustainability work package for the Agrofood Sector Group (ASG). Furthermore, Cristina has managed her organization's participation as a partner in various Framework Programme projects focused on the bioeconomy and agrifood sectors, including H2020, FP7, and Interreg. Notable projects include AGRIFORVALOR , TRAFOON, and FoodSME-HOP. Expert evaluator at international calls: Eurostars 3 Programme, IFD Innovation Fund Denmark - "Grand Solutions programme", Cost Action programme and project monitoring at EIC Transition programme.

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Speaker sessions (1)

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

11:00 - 12:00

Water saving solutions/water efficiency in agrifood

Format:Video conferencingTrack:Pitching session

This session will explore innovative solutions for sustainable agriculture, focusing on optimized water use: AI-powered farming, precision irrigation, efficient resource management, advanced nutrient analysis...