Hydrogen Refinery (London, UK) uses the patented plasma electrolyser system (PES) to transform mixed waste into renewable fuels (e-fuels), nitrogen fertiliser (e-fertilizer) and circular raw materials. The company goal is to be the world’s lowest cost producer of carbon negative sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), synthetic marine diesel (SMD), ammonia nitrate and urea fertilizers.
Agriculture & Food
AgricultureValorization of food waste
Automotive, Batteries, Transport & Logistics
E-mobility, hydrogen, hydro-methane
Circular Economy
Solutions to use less material or energySolutions to recover and recycle resourcesSolutions to regenerate natural ecosystems
Construction & Mining
Construction materials
Defense and security
Defense and security
Ecodesign and packaging
End products made with salvaged material
Bioenergy and biofuelsEnergy conversionOther - Energy
MaritimeTerminals and ports
Waste Cycle
Waste CycleWaste treatment - plants and technologiesWaste selection and recyclingOther – Waste
Aviation And Space
Aviation infrastructure
Textiles And Fashion
Green textile
Other – Plastics
Water Cycle
Treatment and disposal of the resultant sludgeSewage services
Engineering & Technology
Other - Engineering & technology