The Imo-imomec research institute bringings together chemists, physicists, and engineers to engage in multidisciplinary research on advanced material systems. The institute prioritizes sustainable and health-focused innovation across core areas, including energy conversion, energy storage, sustainable materials, sensors and healthcare materials, and quantum technologies, aiming to contribute to a sustainable and healthy society.
Automotive, Batteries, Transport & Logistics
E-mobility, hydrogen, hydro-methaneBatteries
Circular Economy
Solutions to use less material or energySolutions to extend product lifetimeSolutions to recover and recycle resources
Engineering & Technology
Industrial Equipment & MachineryElectronics & Electrical IndustryOptics & photonicsOther - Engineering & technology
Solar energy technologyEnergy storage and transportEnergy conversionOther - Energy
Life Science, Healthcare & Cosmetics
Bio Technology (Biotech)Healthcare
Ecodesign and packaging
Sustainable packagingOther - Packaging
Education & TrainingOther - Services
Sensors and ActuatorsPrinted circuits and integrated circuitsSemiconductorsMicro- and NanotechnologyOther - ElectronicsOther - Electronics
Other - Chemicals