Currently, the recovery of manufactured products with more than two components faces three major problems that hinder effective circularity.
Firstly, it is complex to take back assembled items when they are collected collectively, as the process becomes disorganised and inefficient.
Secondly, the lack of transparency in the recovery processes prevents the parties involved from having a clear view of the stages and actions that take place.
Finally, these processes do not generate benefits for the donor parties, which discourages them from collaborating in the return of products.
To address these challenges, Revivack, the world's first system that uses blockchain technology to facilitate product circularisation, was born. This platform enables the individual return of unwanted items to their producers or qualified entities, ensuring that recovery is orderly and transparent. Thanks to this innovative model, benefits are generated for all parties involved, driving a more efficient and equitable take-back system.
Circular Economy
Solutions to use less material or energySolutions to extend product lifetimeSolutions to recover and recycle resourcesSolutions to regenerate natural ecosystems
Ecodesign and packaging
End products made with salvaged materialEco-design and eco-compatible materialsSustainable packagingOther - Packaging
Bioenergy and biofuels
MaritimeOther - Maritime
Waste Cycle
Waste CycleWaste managementWaste collectionWaste storage and transportWaste treatment - plants and technologiesWaste selection and recyclingOther – Waste
Automotive, Batteries, Transport & Logistics
BatteriesTransport and logisticsOther - Automotive
Creative Industries
BioplasticsManufacture of plastics and chemicalsOther – Plastics
Engineering & Technology
Other - Engineering & technology
Construction & Mining
Other – Construction