InnovationQuarter is the regional economic development agency for the Province of Zuid-Holland, also known as the greater Rotterdam – The Hague area. It does that by:
1. investing in start- and scale-up and innovative SME's.
2. strenghtening regional innovation eco-systems.
3. supporting regional companies to foreign markets and helping innovative foreign companies to settle in our region.
InnovationQuarter is partner in the Enterprise Europe Network. EEN is the world’s largest support network for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with international ambitions. This EU initiated network is focussed on creating international partnerships in the field of business, innovation and research. Space being an important sector in Zuid-Holland, IQ participates in the EEN Sector Group Aerospace connecting space hotspots all over Europe and beyond.
Aviation And Space
Aviation manufacturingAviation infrastructureSpaceHelicoptersUnmanned aircraft systemsOthers – Aviation and space
Defense and security
Defense and security
Circular Economy
Solutions to recover and recycle resources